A Celebration of Hope

As we dive into the depths of winter, the darkest days of the season and THE darkest day of the year (Winter Solstice on December 21st), it’s as if Mother Nature is taking us on her own journey of transformation. As I get older I find my connection with the earth’s cycles becoming more important and more meaningful. The sun tells the time, the moon tells the day, and the stars tell the month. How incredible is that? But on a larger scale, the seasons represent the complete cycle of life. Spring is about birth and becoming. Summer is the essence of youth, vibrancy, and blossoming into full potential. Autumn, oh the beauty of autumn, the last burst of color before the inevitable decline. And finally, winter, death, decay, stillness, and darkness, but not without its own beauty.

These seasons represent both the entire cycle of life, from birth until death, but also cycles within life; relationships, new ventures, paths taken, and healing journeys.

We know that on the other side of these dark winter days is the promise of spring. And we must remember that within our own cycles throughout life, is the promise of renewal and rebirth, no matter how hopeless things may seem as we wade through our dark nights of the soul.

Across the world and as far back as we can remember, humans have celebrated these dark days of winter with lights, vibrant colors, music of peace and goodwill, and gathering together with loved ones. All of our celebrations, throughout many faiths and beliefs, stand as a reminder of hope for the rebirth of spring. There may still be cold days ahead of us, but once we pass through the darkest day of winter the days will ever-so-slowly begin to get longer, and before we know it, we are witnessing the first blooms of crocuses and daffodils that blaze the way out of the bleakness of winter. Without this shedding of the old, we would not be able to appreciate the new. Only through death and darkness, comes the light.

Wishing you light and peace during this season of introspection, and hope and assurance for brighter days ahead.