11 Signs You Are Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

Ask people who haven’t gone through a healing and spiritual awakening process what they think it looks like and they will probably say it looks something like this…

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Or this…

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I am here to vouch that although there are elements of bliss throughout the process, for the most part, it tends to look more like this…

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Or this…

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Spiritual awakening is not always pretty. Yes, meditating peacefully is one element. But it also includes unpacking trauma, setting boundaries, facing shadows, taking responsibility for your actions, and implementing healthy routines.

This is probably one of the most difficult paths that your human soul chooses to take. We each have soul contracts for the experiences and lessons that will be presented to us in this reality, and waking up is not everyone’s journey. Some choose to stay within the comforts of simply experiencing, or perhaps playing out karma with other souls. The yogis teach there is the Path of Action and the Path of Knowledge. Many of us are on the Path of Action, or creating and absolving karma and karmic ties with others. Only when the karma slate is getting close to getting cleared, do we create space to awaken.

I would say that if you are reading this, there is a likelihood that you’re on the path, or about to venture down it.  

So what does an awakening look like?

Although there are certainly people who spontaneously or accidentally wake up, and an unfortunate number of people who are labeled as psychotically unwell that are living multidimensionally and don’t understand what is going on, generally it’s an arduous, drawn-out process with a huge amount of concerted effort from the individual. It can look different for various people, but generally speaking, it shows up as shedding and healing the past and ancestral trauma, it’s tapping into your highest self, living your life’s purpose, it’s blossoming, expanding, and connecting to the creative nature that’s inherent to all of us.

Oftentimes profound or unexplainable things can start to happen. Synchronicities occur that you know aren’t just coincidence. Manifestation becomes easier. You begin trusting yourself and developing an innate inner “knowing” and feeling like you are in the “flow.” You get downloads in dreams and meditations. Maybe you start channeling or connecting with spirits and entities (which can be startling, and I suggest proceeding with caution with this so you don’t end up connecting to an entity with less than angelic intentions). Perhaps you wake up some mornings feeling like you’ve been busy in the night. Remember that the soul never sleeps, so there’s a good chance you are off hanging out with your soul tribe in another dimension somewhere. I get a lot of my downloads during dream state. I’ve also started “accidentally” astral traveling. I know when I do because I can feel myself getting sucked out of my body with a loud wooshing sound. I don’t always remember what happens, but whenever I come back, I’m incredibly groggy.

Your friends and loved ones might start to think you’re crazy, maybe you think you’re crazy. But know there is a huge community out there for people going through this exact same process right now.

Two steps forward one step back

There may be points throughout your awakening journey that you feel like you’re making amazing progress. You’re all glowy, feeling like a healed superstar. You can’t wait to brag about your new-found wokeness, or to simply share your light with others as an example of what can happen if they too, do the work. Keep in mind that as soon as you get into that heady space, you will surely get knocked back on your ass and humbled by the universe.

For example, I thought that after years of meditation and yoga and an intense ayahuasca experience, that I could go visit my family and be a source of inspiration and a beacon of light. If you think you’re fixed, go visit your family and see what happens. They can be your greatest teachers, but can also show you where you still have work to do. When you’re in the midst of healing, you’ve blasted open your heart center, but haven’t necessarily built up protection for yourself. I found myself during the middle of what normally would be a blissful trip to the Pacific Northwest filled with wine, food, and easy conversation, instead drowning myself in alcohol (when I had given up previously) and breaking down in a fit of tears to my husband in a quiet moment in our bedroom. I was tapping into ancestral trauma hard and I didn’t quite have the tools yet to handle it.

11 Signs You Are Going Through A Spiritual Awakening

We are moving into a new age of consciousness. All souls on the planet are on their own path and everyone is navigating it in their own unique way. We will all get there in time so it’s important to remember to be patient and kind to yourself and listen to what your body needs. Do you feel tired? Rest. Hungry? Eat. Craving juices, plants, and detox? Do that.

One of the most important elements is to trust the process. Trust that whatever happens each and every day is there for your highest growth and potential. Nothing is by chance. And perhaps the interactions, circumstances, and relationships that seem difficult at one time, will come to a realization 20 years later as a profound ah-ha, or a subtle blossoming into a more complete version of you.

Here are a few of the steps that you may pass through as you begin to wake up.

1. Suffering from depression & anxiety

A very common entry-level step is experiencing depression and/or anxiety. If you are not on the path you are meant to be on, or if you are disconnected from your life’s purpose, your soul lets you know. You may just feel “off” or in a funk with a lack of inspiration and creativity. I’m not saying this is the only reason that you might be experiencing these feelings, but it is a common first step when your soul is ready to wake up, but the ego hasn’t gotten on board yet. Some people never get past this step and battle with chronic depression, as their soul cries out to express its purpose.

Tip: Start to listen to your intuition. This can seem impossible at first, but finding stillness through meditation or yoga can help to awaken the subtle energies within the body. What do you really want? What makes you your highest self? What lights your fire? Does this mean quitting your job or ending a relationship (partner or friendship)? Moving somewhere that fits your ideal lifestyle better? Sometimes this phase is the biggest and scariest leap, but it can also be as simple as picking up a new hobby or connecting with an interest group in your community.

2. Seeking answers, looking beyond the veil

When lockdowns started in Nassau, I started asking questions. What’s the agenda? Does the government have my best interest in mind? Is everything the media tells me the truth? Are humans the only intelligent life in the entire universe or do aliens exist? Despite the insane amount of censorship going on right now, there is still an incredible amount of information floating around and rabbit holes to dive into.

Tip: Research everything and trust your gut. Once you tap into the energetics of messages, you can begin to decipher if they are propaganda or scare tactics, or if there is a genuine message behind it that’s there to help you grow, evolve, and see beyond the veil of what we have been led to believe this reality is all about. One trick I’ve found helpful is to close your eyes when you’re listening to someone speak on the news or in a video. Often you can sense the energy behind the message. Is it backed with genuine concern for your wellbeing? Or flooded with fear?

3. Questioning if you really want to be awake or not

Being awake is probably one of the most frustrating and terrifying places to be. There are moments when you just want to shut it off and go back to your “ignorance is bliss” mindset. Your friends and family will likely accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist with all your wild ideas, but unfortunately, when you start to see beyond the veil, you can’t unsee it.

Humanity is pretty messed up. The agendas of big business are horrifying and unsustainable (we already knew this). But when you see there is SO much potential for being better humans and to stop living in fear, you just get frustrated. And when your friends and family can’t see it, you get even more frustrated. Why can’t you just see?? It’s so obvious! It can be a very lonely place to be in, but luckily, people are waking up by the thousands and hundreds of thousands, so it’s not as lonely as it used to be.

Tip: Know that everyone is on their own path, and forcing your opinions and beliefs on others is not going to help wake them up any faster. You can surely state your truths, but often, just being a good example and a shining light is more than enough. They will wake up when their soul and their ego are ready.

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4. Connecting with nature

When you start to awaken, you will begin to notice the song of nature. When I lost my grandma this year, I had a profound knowing that her soul was floating around for a while in a hummingbird that visited me daily. You’ll start to feel a connection with every being - even unsavory creepy crawlies will start to find a softer place in your heart. You’ll tune into dragonflies hovering silently in your midst, or immerse yourself within the inquisitive stare of a lizard. The song of the crickets starts to sound like their sole purpose is to change the frequency of the entire planet. Even the plants and trees speak as they peacefully marinate in the sun. Nature carries the rhythm of the universe. As you start to repair your connection with Mother Earth and she will teach you of balance and harmony.

Tip: Get outside as often as you can. Even if this means exposing yourself to winter elements - there’s techy gear for that. If you can, feel the earth beneath your feet or take a dip in saltwater to soak up the earth’s ions. Bask in the sunshine. Host a full moon ceremony or look into rituals that honor plants and rebalance energies, such as cocao and tea ceremonies.

5. Finding a soul tribe

I truly believe that we enter into this reality with a soul tribe, and when you are ready, you’ll start to connect with them. Maybe you can’t put your finger on what it is about certain people, but you just know there is a connection. As you begin to wake up, you will be able to tap into your own frequency, and you’ll start to profoundly notice who is vibrating on a similar frequency to you, and who is on a completely different one. You will begin to develop a tribe, a few close soul sisters and brothers, and eventually an extended community of people that lift you up and encourage you to be your highest self.

Tip: Human beings are guilty of making connections at unwholesome levels. A group of victim, rescuer, or perpetrator archetypes can gravitate towards each other, or those prone to commiserating drama. I used to be guilty of expressing my “victimhood” about life’s minor unfairnesses to whoever would listen. Finally, I met a friend who not only didn’t encourage me but would shut it down and change the subject. I had no idea what I had been doing until she subtly showed me. Now I do my best to bring the highest vibration into a friendship. When you start to do that, notice who moves out of your circle, and who moves in.

6. Realizing that everything you experience is happening for your greatest good

Everything that is put in your path is there to teach you something or to help you grow and evolve. Everything is happening for you, not to you. Earth is a school and your soul has chosen to come here, to the most difficult density of 3D, in order to experience the highs and lows, the emotions, the pain of physicality, and the magic. We come here and forget, in order to remember our greatness.

Tip: Always act as if there is an impeccable purpose to everything that happens and every person you interact with. Act as if your highest self is orchestrating an intricate play around you, with a complete cast of well-thought-out characters. Even if something seems negative, painful, distasteful, agonizing, or wrong, it is ALWAYS there to help you be a better version of yourself. Check out this blog post on Life Lessons.

7. Facing your shadows and death

An incredibly terrifying place to be is facing your shadows and death. Humans have been living in fear of death for so long. Those in power want us in fear because we’re easier to control, and we’re also fabulous consumers when we’re unhappy. When you face your shadows and your death, you will live your life, each and every day to its fullest. You’ll start to create your own beautiful reality, despite what’s going on in the world, and you’ll step into your own power. Some people call this process “ego death.” While it may feel like certain constructs have perished during the process, you’ll still always have an ego. You need an ego to survive in this reality, and to relate to other humans. But when you start to shift, patterns and beliefs that have been driving your subconscious and contributing to lack, restriction, and inability will start to make way for abundance, freedom, creativity, and soul purpose.

Tip: Overcoming fear and uncovering your shadows is key. If you really want to fast-track this, I’d suggest taking a quick hit of DMT or going off to an ayahuasca retreat with experienced shamans. You’ll watch your body die in a multitude of different painful and anguishing ways, and come out the other side realizing that it’s all illusionary. The body is temporary, but the soul is eternal. This is a huge step on the path away from living in fear, albeit a scary one. If you want to ease into things and start by facing your shadows, I discuss this in my video Facing your Shadow Side.

8. Letting go in order to love yourself & love others

It’s important to set boundaries and let energetic ties to people go. In the shamanic realm, we even do a practice called cord-cutting. They say, if you love someone, set them free, right? Remember that you don’t need to like everyone or be in the same social circle as those not vibing on your frequency. For example, there is one person in my life who, for reasons unknown to me, emits a foul vibe towards me. I don’t know if I did something, because whenever I’d ask, I would just get…nothing’s wrong. I began to get bitter and every time I thought of that person, heavy emotions would stir. Recently I had a dream where I saw this person, and I simply said to them “I love you.” They walked by me and ignored me in the dream, but I sent them love and I knew at that moment, we were both free. I don’t need to ever see that person again, but I sent them all of the well wishes for their soul’s evolvement. It can be painful to let people go out of your life, but sometimes it’s exactly what you need in order to move forward.

Tip: Start with yourself. It’s probably the most difficult person to send love to. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you love you. If you have a hard time doing it, then you have some work to do. Next, consciously let go of all of the stories you’ve told yourself - we all have them! I’m not good enough, smart enough, tall enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, athletic enough, fill in the blank. When you start to love yourself and all that you ARE (instead of what you think you lack), it will inadvertently give you more capacity to love others too. The love and light in the other is the same love and light within you. When you realize that, you begin to emit compassion for the struggles and the burdens that others carry, because they are the same struggles and the same stories that you carry. Instead of being in service to self, you begin to be in service to others and to the oneness that connects us all.

9. Seeking freedom & realizing you are sovereign

There is a lot of energy going on right now about our rights versus our safety. Watching the news and hearing of forced small-business closures, stay-at-home orders or mandatory vaccines can be enough to create a panic attack in many people. Remember you are a FREE soul. The moment you believe that someone else or some government owns you, then you’ve allowed it. Your reality is exactly as you make it. I know that you might say, I didn’t ask for this! But on some level, as horrifying as it may seem, you did ask for it through limiting beliefs and indoctrinations. When you realize that, you will get a big ole “ah-ha” moment.

Tip: Remember that your reality is probably very different than what you are seeing on the news. There’s a lot of scary fear tactics going on right now, but if you shut off the news and look around you, ask yourself - do I have everything I need? Maybe not everything you want, but do you have everything you need? You probably do. And if you don’t, what can you change, shift or move, in order to create it, instead of just passively accepting that someone else has controlled your situation. It’s a rough patch, but we’re breaking down systems, and therefore, it’s starting to get pretty ugly. Trust that this is all to make way for better and more effective systems. In the meantime, think outside the box. Think bigger and greater than you ever had before. Dream your free world into being.

10. Moving past duality

Good vs evil. Dark vs light. Right vs left. There is a huge divide going on in the world right now between politics, religions, races and beliefs. The world is more divided than ever. Keep in mind that it’s all energy though. No one is wrong, we are all just moving towards oneness in our own way. Because the third dimension is a dualistic state, we can only exist in this realm through a balance of opposites. When the opposites are out of balance, there is chaos, as we are seeing in the world right now. From my perspective, there is too much dark, and not enough light. We need dark in order to become aware of the light (if you didn’t see a shadow, it wouldn’t be a sunny day right?), but we certainly need to bring more light in to come back to balance. Once we recalibrate the balance, we have the potential to uplevel and integrate our 3D human bodies into the 4 and 5D planes of existence.

Tip: Explore Dzogchen meditation, Tibetan Buddhism’s highest teachings on how to achieve the Rainbow Body, also known as The Great Perfection or the way beyond duality. Lama Suyra Das, a western Dzogchen master, has a few meditations on YouTube and Insight Timer, as well as a Podcast called Awakening Now, where you can dive deeper into the teachings.

11. Stepping into your power and sourcing creativity

When you are in the ultimate flow state with the Divine, you’ll start to tap into the purest forms of creativity. When you create something, you might even ask, was that me? Did I do that? because of the disbelief of its profoundness, purity, or awe. Sometimes this external source of inspiration is referred to as The Muse. The Divine can not help but to create, and it wants to create through us. We are vessels for the highest levels of consciousness to express itself into the physical and material world.

Tip: Remember to trust what you create. Don’t worry about what others think of your creation because if you are tapping into source, it holds the highest attunement of energies. Dive in with a beginner’s mind - always humble, always striving to learn more, and surrendering to the creative process. Read Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic to learn more about how creativity is an expression of the Divine that wants to be made manifest through you, if only you open your portals to allow it.

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Now of course this is not an exclusive list, but these are elements that have been relevant to me and many other people’s journey’s. Do you have any other experiences during your healing process? Leave them in the comments below so everyone can benefit.