Your Thoughts Create Your Reality, and You Probably Don't Even Know It


Your thoughts create your reality: something I’ve known to be true in theory for quite some time. But what does that mean?

Let me break it down for you. Everything that’s going on in your head, and the emotions that go along with those thoughts, have an energetic frequency. You are like a radio tower transmitting and seeking frequencies that match yours. Those frequencies will make their way back to you, creating circumstances and events that manifest into your reality. You may interpret that reality as good or bad, but you have to take responsibility that you created it.

But there’s a sneaky little catch to keep in mind that a lot of people don’t realize - your thoughts create your reality AND the universe does not discern “do” and “don’t”. So when you say that you “don’t want to fail” or you “don’t want to keep attracting the same kind of relationships” or you “don’t want to be in debt”, the universe hears, “fail” “same kind of relationships” “debt”. What you need to do is restructure your thinking altogether. “I want to succeed”, “I want to attract relationships that assist me in experiencing my highest self”, “I want to have financial freedom”. Kind of like affirmations and/or the Law of Attraction, but the important thing is to have the dialogue inside your head first, and stay consistent! This can be easier to achieve when you have a meditation practice too, so keep that in mind.

Your thoughts are tricky. Joe Dispenza says that “95% of who we are by the time we’re 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs and perceptions that function like a computer program.” Your thoughts are firing on autopilot, and it’s really hard to unlearn them. If you have past trauma and emotional baggage, or even societal conditioning that says you’re going to be stuck being poor forever, and those thoughts keep rolling around in your head, then you’ll never create your reality in the way you want, no matter how many spoken affirmations you do. If your thoughts keep saying, “I can never get ahead”, then you won’t! You have to shine a flashlight on those unconscious shadow thoughts, consider where they came from, and then change them to something that resonates with where you really want to be.

So what does your ideal future in this current crisis situation look like? Because our timeline is very uncertain at the moment, and the only way it’s going to change for the better is if enough people get on board with positive thought vibrations that BELIEVE we have a better future in store.

If you’re thinking “I don’t want to live in a world with mandatory vaccines, microchipping, continued brainwashing by the media, degradation of earth’s resources” then that’s likely where your reality is headed. And I say “your” reality, because that might not be everyone’s reality.

If you think “I want to live in a world where I make my own decisions about my body, a world with transparency, disclosure, and sustainability”, then it’s probable that will be your experience.

I don’t know abut you, but even as I re-read those sentences, I feel a subtle vibrational shift. Words and thoughts have frequencies, and we live in an energetic world. Communication is happening at subtler levels, whether we realize it or not. If you want to see a difference in your external world, choose thoughts of love, compassion, kindness, and gratitude, over fear, anger, resistance, and shame.

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Although we live on the same planet and experience a similar global reality, there are actually millions and billions of realities going on and we each have our own. Yours can be hell, or it can be bliss. What do you choose? And yes, you choose. It doesn’t matter your external circumstances. YOU CHOOSE. You chose whether you have nothing and you are happy and have hope, or if you have everything and you are miserable. You can create paradise in hell, or you can create hell in paradise. And trust me, I did it to myself when I was living in Harbour Island. I created hell in a place that many people believe is paradise.

I’d like to recommend a book called Spirit Hacking by Shaman Durek. Whether you are into shamanic studies and practices or not, this is a fantastic guidebook/manual for navigating these times. Shaman Durek is a little intense for me to listen to in person, to be honest, but his book is highly approachable to anyone trying to shed some emotional baggage and live the highest version of themselves. He explained the other day that he had a knowing/visions of 2020, and rushed to get this book published in time. So it is extremely relevant right now. If you don’t quite understand yet that thoughts and emotions create your reality, he goes over it in the book.

Even if you don’t read this book anytime soon, you can start to work on changing your thoughts to reflect your reality. Each time you can possibly remember to, check in with what you are thinking. As you are doing the dishes, or folding the laundry, or doing any other task where your mind is prone to wander, notice where it goes. Tie a string on your finger, set an alarm on your phone. What were you thinking about each time you saw or heard the reminder? If you can sit for a few minutes each day in meditation, even better. Where are your thoughts going when you try to meditate? When you get frustrated for not staying focused. What are those thoughts? It’s all a practice. And over the course of time, you’ll start to fine tune it.

So if you knew you could use your thoughts to create the most extraordinary reality you can ever hope to dream of, what are you going to create?